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Employer Recruitment Services

Find a refreshingly different recruitment service based on ethics and a strong desire to understand your business and the impact the candidates introduced to you will have on your organisation

Marmion colleagues in the boardroom using their laptops
Marmion colleague using her laptop in the office

Salary & Role Scoping

Ethical recruitment services are based on collaboration. We will assess your role against others on the market for salary, benefits and working environment.

> Salary & Role Scoping
Jonny working with his earphones in on his laptop

Assessment & Interview

We ethically and appropriately assess and interview each potential candidate, knowing we’ll only present those who’ll truly fit your business and its values.

> Assessment & Interview
Matt and Sophie discussing work in the Marmion office with a scenic backdrop

Reputation Management

Authentic Recruitment Practice. We know we’re acting on your behalf, so our professional approach needs to match your respected reputation.

> Reputation Management
Janet explaining the Employer Recruitment Journey to the team

Job Advert Design

You want to attract the right candidate to apply for your role. That is why a creatively written and responsibly managed job advert is crucial.

> Job Advert Design
Marmion colleagues in the boardroom using their laptops

Why Choose Marmion Recruitment

You need to trust us to act in your best interests, and we promise to do that – every time. 

If you're the right fit for the role and you apply, you’ll always get personal feedback that values the time and energy you’ve spent applying. 

And, if you’re not sure about the role fit, we won’t persuade you to take on a job that’s not quite right or tempt you to hire the wrong person.
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