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Promoting Workplace Wellness

According to Mind, 1 in 6 workers are dealing with a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or stress. Alarming research shows that when staff wellbeing is not supported, employee engagement declines, motivation and performance levels drop and staff retention is affected. So, how can employers ensure workplace wellness?

How to Create a Healthy Workplace/strong>

Effective management is fundamental to promote workplace wellness. Employees must be made aware that their voice is valued and that a disclosure regarding their wellbeing will lead to support, not discrimination. It’s for employers to prioritise a positive and transparent culture which values staff wellness.

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At Marmion, we believe that promoting positive working relationships, developing effective communication and encouraging a good work / life balance are each great ways to promote workplace wellness.

It is always good to talk, so why not promote a discussion surrounding mental health in your workplace? Establishing an open dialogue about positive mental health improves trust between staff, reassuring them that their voice is respected. A workplace culture where employees can voice their concerns, is one with successful employee engagement; this is because employees feel more committed to the organisation’s goals when they feel that their opinions are meaningful and valued.

Supporting Staff with Mental Health Problems

Tackling the causes of mental health problems and promoting wellness in your workplace will create an environment where staff can confide in their manager with confidence. How you respond to an employee experiencing mental health problems sets a precedent to fellow employees and external audiences about the values of your organisation.

Employers have a responsibility to supervise the possible toll of unmanageable workloads, job insecurity, lone working and poor managerial support in the prevention of mental health problems.

Overworked manager massaging head while sitting at workplace

Each individual’s experience of mental health problems is different, so managers should be supported to work with staff to develop a personal action plan which identifies triggers and what support the valued employee needs.

Are Employers Responsible for Workplace Wellbeing?

How you respond to an employee experiencing a mental health problem is a fundamental test of your organisation’s values. When considering if you are responsible for the wellbeing of your workforce, ask yourself if your company could function without its staff?

Research confirms that 14% of UK employees had resigned and 42% had considered resigning when asked how workplace stress had affected them. I would argue that an effective mental health program could prevent such resignations, reinforcing the important role of employers to improve mental health.

At Marmion, we believe that it is in the employer’s best interests to promote workplace wellness. Satisfied employees tend to stay in their role longer, lowering staff turnover and preventing the long-term implications of high employee turnover.

Ensuring that we use ethical recruitment means that we establish great working relationships between ourselves, the employers and candidates we support. We never persuade our clients to take on a job that’s not quite right or tempt them to hire the wrong person, as we appreciate the importance of placing the right candidate in the right role. As a recruitment company, we recognise that ensuring client wellbeing in their new role is essential to providing a lasting match.

To find out more about workplace wellness and how we work, get in touch with the team at Marmion.

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