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Resilience & Mental Health in Business

Ahead of World Mental Health Day we consider the challenges of running a business and the importance of mental health and resilience in business.

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Ethical Business Podcast Episode 6

Focusing on the importance of mental health and resilience both in and outside of work, Janet and Matt host the largest group of guests we have seen so far on The Ethical Business Podcast!

We hear from business owners Kate Hutchinson, Phill Green, Adam Moody, Zach Greaves and Alan McGlaughlin.

Discussing everything from imposter syndrome to creating a healthy business culture, the conversation allows for each of our guests to share their personal experiences of mental well-being and resilience since beginning their business ventures.

The group talk about the impact of modern working practices and the importance of communication in maintaining a positive team dynamic.

This episode also explores the importance of taking time to disconnect from work, and the impact of today’s news on our mental health.

Additionally, Janet and Matt chat to their guests about the importance of taking time to reflect on success within business – something that’s not always easy to do as a busy and ambitious business owner!

Ethical Business Podcast 

Listen to the team and special guests discuss topics from business management to staff wellbeing and retention.

In this episode, Janet and Matt speak to the founder and creative director of Pretty Clever Studios, John Burton.

In this episode, Janet and Matt are joined by Antoinette Daniel, the Founder of cleaning agency, Just Helpers.

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